Events for March 2013

Grace Davie - Visiting Researcher

Fri, March 01, 2013

Grace Davie

March 1 - 21, 2013

As part of the Distinguished Visiting Researchers Program, Grace Davie will be a visiting scholar at the University of Ottawa in March 2013. Professor Davie's interests lie in the sociology of religion, with a particular emphasis on patterns of religion in Europe. She is also interested in the new theoretical paradigms that are emerging in the field – not least the notion of ‘multiple modernities’. How are we to make sense of the growing significance of religion in the modern world with tools and concepts that have emerged (largely) from the 'exceptional' European case? Find out ...

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Grace Davie - Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory

Thu, March 07, 2013

Grace Davie

University of Ottawa, Simard 125
4:00 - 6:30pm

Title: A European Perspective on Religion and Welfare:  Connections, Reflections and Extensions

Abstract: This presentation draws on a recently completed project on religion and welfare in eight European societies (Sweden, Finland, Norway, England,Germany, France, Italy and Greece). It starts by setting out the ideas of two key theorists:  Gøsta Esping-Andersen and David Martin.  Esping-Andersen’s work provides a touchstone for the understanding of welfare regimes; Martin’s work is equally well-known in the sociology of religion.  Seldom, however, are the two perspectives brought together. A combination of the two approaches ...

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Tariq Modood - Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory

Thu, March 21, 2013

Tariq Modood

University of Ottawa, Simard 125
New time!  3:00 - 4:30pm

Title: Is Multicultural Equality Compatible with an Established Religion or Religions?

Abstract: I want to explore two intersecting tensions. The first is to do with liberalism and multiculturalism. The second is to do with the nature of the secular state in western Europe. While many liberals believe that the state should be neutral on matters of the good and culture, and above all on religion, multiculturalists hold that the state should not be blind to difference. Indeed, it should actively play a role in constructing and promoting a multicultural ...

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Let’s Talk! Interprofessional Dialogue at the Intersections of Religion, Diversity, and Healthcare

Thu, March 28, 2013

University of Ottawa
FSS 5028

What roles do diversity, and religious beliefs and practices play in health and healing, and medical decision-making? The one day event will focus on the theme: “Interprofessional Dialogue at the Intersections of Religion, Diversity, and Healthcare,” and cover topics, including cultural and religious issues surrounding organ donation; diversity and equity in medical schools/students; religious plurality in the context of end-of-life care; clinical perspectives on mental Illness of refugee populations in Canada; religion and HIV/AIDS; religion and psychiatry; diversity in nursing; counselling and spirituality; and women’s health and disability.

The ...

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Events Calendar
March 2013
February 2013 May 2013