Events for October 2015

2015 Events | Évènements

Wed, October 07, 2015

Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory

 Lectures critiques sur la religion, le droit et la théorie en sciences sociales
Speaker | conférencier: Jacques Berlinerblau (Georgetown University)
Location and time | lieu et heure: University of Ottawa, Simard Hall, Room 129, 60 University, Ottawa, Ontario, 4-5:30pm
Lecture title | titre de la conférence: Secularism: The Misunderstood and Essential-Ism

Abstract | Résumé: 

"Secularism" is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the global political lexicon. For some, it is a synonym for “atheism.” For others, it is a code word for “tyranny.” And for still others, secularism is a political principle centered on ...

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2014 Events | Évènements

Fri, October 16, 2015

Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory

Lectures critiques sur la religion, le droit et la théorie en sciences sociales

Speaker | conférencière: Elisabeth Arweck (University of Warwick)
Location | lieu: University of Ottawa, Simard Hall, Room 129, 60 University, Ottawa, Ontario
Time | heure: 4pm | 16h
Lecture title | titre de la conférence: Religious Diversity in the UK: How the Attitudes and Views of 13–16-Year-Old Students Interact with their Own (Non-)Religious Identities


Like other countries in Europe and elsewhere, the United Kingdom has experienced increasing religious diversity in recent years. This presents both challenges and opportunities for the ...

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Events Calendar
October 2015
September 2015 January 2016