Events for June 2, 2015

2015 Events | Évènements

Tue, June 02, 2015

Citizenship, Governance and Diversity: Perspectives on and from 
Germany and Canada Workshop | Atelier 

Location | lieu: University of Ottawa | Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
Organisers | organisateurs: Lori G. Beaman, Elke Winter, Carmen Bauer, Benjamin Zyla (University of Ottawa | Université d'Ottawa)

Workshop | Atelier: 

This one-day workshop, within the framework of the 2015 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, will bring together scholars from both sides of the Atlantic, specifically from Germany and Canada in order to explore the questions that Canada and Germany now face as nation states. It will also address methodological questions – to what extent are comparisons of ...

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Events Calendar
June 2015
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