Events for April 3, 2014

Building Bridges/Tisser des liens: Erin Wilson

Thu, April 03, 2014

Event/Évènement: Building Bridges: Lunch an Learn / Tisser des liens: Lunchez et apprenez

Speaker / Conférencière: Erin Wilson (University of Groningen)

Title/titre: "But that’s culture, not religion": the politics of Christianity as cultural heritage

Presented by / présenté par: The Canada Research Chair in the Contextualization of Religion in a Diverse Canada / La Chaire de recherche du Canada en étude de la religion dans le contexte multiculturel canadien

Time/heure: 12:30pm-2pm/12h30h à 14h

Location/lieu: Simard Hall, Room 129 / Pavillon Simard, pièce 129

Please R.S.V.P. before Friday, March 28, 2014 (, a lunch ...

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Events Calendar
April 2014
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