Events for March 31, 2014

Public Lecture/Conférence publique/Lori G. Beaman

Mon, March 31, 2014

Event/Evènement: Public Lecture, University of Lethbridge / Conférence publique, University of Lethbridge

Location/lieu: B-660 (University Hall), University of Lethbridge

Time/heure: 7:00pm/ 19h

Title/titre: Navigating Religious Diversity: the Potential of Positive Narratives

Abstract/résumé: Public, legal and policy discourse around religious diversity focuses on tolerance and accommodation and frames diversity as a problem to be solved. This talk explores the possibility of an alternative approach by shifting the focus to the ways in which religious diversity is navigated in day to day life as a mode of being reflecting deep equality through an emphasis on positive narratives ...

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March 2014
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