Events for Jan. 16, 2014

Michèle Lamont Lecture

Thu, January 16, 2014


Michèle Lamont



Event/ Évènement: Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory Lecture/Lecture critique sur la religion , le droit et la théorie en sciences sociales

Location/lieu: University of Ottawa, Simard Hall, Room 125/Université d'Ottawa, Pavillon Simar, Salle 125

Time/heure: 4pm-5:30pm/16h à 17h30

Title/titre: Groupness and the Fight for Respect: Responses to Stigmatization among African-Americans, Black Brazilians, Ethiopian Jews, Mizrachis, and Arab Israelis

Abstract/résumé: I will report on a large collaborative interview-based research project on how groups that are marked differently respond to stigmatization and discrimination. By considering narratives concerning responses to actual incidents ...

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