Events for May 2013

Informal Seminar

Fri, May 10, 2013

10:00am / 10h00
Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes

Co-Organizers/co-organisatrices: Barbara Thériault and Susan Palmer

Please contact Étienne Tardif to obtain the featured texts. /Afin d'obtenir les textes au programme, veuillez communiquer avec à Étienne Tardif.


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The Study of Religion in Atlantic Canada Workshop

Tue, May 28, 2013

Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS

This workshop series brings together students and scholars of religion in the Atlantic region.  Annually we highlight the diverse kinds of research taking place, identify knowledge gaps about religious diversity in the Atlantic provinces and strengthen professional networks in order to forge future research programs.

For more information on speakers and event details, click here.

To read the workshop report, please click here.

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Concilium in Montreal - Living with Diversity. Ethical and Theological Analysis & Panel and General Discussion on Pope Francis

Wed, May 29, 2013

Pavillon de la Faculté de l’aménagement
2940, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Auditorium 1120 (entrée principale)

The editors and directors of the International Journal Concilium will be in Montreal.


Felix Wilfred, Président (India)
Jon Sobrino (El Salvador), Regina Ammicht Quinn and
Marie-Theres Wacker (Germany), Danny Pilario (Philippines)
Diego Irarrazaval (Chili), Erik Borgman (Netherlands)
Eloi Messi Metogo (Ivory Coast), Hille Hacker (USA and Germany)
Lisa Sowle Cahill and Susan Ross (USA), Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer and Luiz
Carlos Susin (Brazil), Sarojini Nadar (South Africa)
Mile Babić (Croatia), Thierry-Marie Courau (France),
João J. Vila-Chã (Italy), Andrés Torres Queiruga (Spain),
Solange ...

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Events Calendar
May 2013
March 2013 September 2013