Events for novembre 2013

Religion and Diversity Project Annual Team Meeting

ven, novembre 01, 2013

The Religion and Diversity Project 2013 Annual Team Meeting on the topic of "A Cultural Divide?" will be bringing together team members, student team members, post-doctoral fellows and selected guests.

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Whose Religion?: Education about Religion in Public Schools Workshop

lun, novembre 04, 2013

University of Ottawa, Ottawa

Our workshop, “Whose religion:  Education about religion in public schools”, will be held at the University of Ottawa on November 4 – 6, 2013.  The goal of this workshop is to examine the complex intersection of religion and education from a variety of theoretical and transnational perspectives. While there are unique features to the Canadian scene where education is a matter of provincial jurisdiction, the controversies in Canada have their parallels in other countries where the role of religion in education is also being contested by educators, policy makers, religious groups and parents.  While it engages current ...

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RDP Graduate Student Workshop Series 2, Session 1

lun, novembre 04, 2013

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Adam Dinham - Public Lecture

lun, novembre 04, 2013

Location: University of Ottawa, Simard Hall, Room 125

Time: 4pm-5:30pm

Title: Religious Literacy Recovered: Talking Well About Religion After a Century of Secularism

Abstract: This talk will examine a context of public anxiety and ambivalence about faith as revealed in public policies and their related professional practices. Taking first of all the higher education sector in Britain as emblematic of wider concerns about religious faith and its place in the public sphere, the growing range of religiously-orientated policy demands on higher education institutions in the UK will be considered, along with the responses universities make to them. Specifically, four ...

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Whose Religion?: Education about Religion in Public Schools Workshop

mar, novembre 05, 2013

University of Ottawa, Ottawa

Our workshop, “Whose religion:  Education about religion in public schools”, will be held at the University of Ottawa on November 4 – 6, 2013.  The goal of this workshop is to examine the complex intersection of religion and education from a variety of theoretical and transnational perspectives. While there are unique features to the Canadian scene where education is a matter of provincial jurisdiction, the controversies in Canada have their parallels in other countries where the role of religion in education is also being contested by educators, policy makers, religious groups and parents.  While it engages current ...

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Graduate Student Workshop Series 2, Session 1

mar, novembre 05, 2013

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Whose Religion?: Education about Religion in Public Schools Workshop

mer, novembre 06, 2013

University of Ottawa, Ottawa

Our workshop, “Whose religion:  Education about religion in public schools”, will be held at the University of Ottawa on November 4 – 6, 2013.  The goal of this workshop is to examine the complex intersection of religion and education from a variety of theoretical and transnational perspectives. While there are unique features to the Canadian scene where education is a matter of provincial jurisdiction, the controversies in Canada have their parallels in other countries where the role of religion in education is also being contested by educators, policy makers, religious groups and parents.  While it engages current ...

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Media Democracy Days

ven, novembre 08, 2013

Media Democracy Days Logo

MDD is designed to raise awareness of media democracy, and to provide a networking opportunity for the local alternative media community, interested activists, and academics. Registration is FREE.

Media Democracy Days is a small non-profit progressive organization that offers free events to the public. We will be accepting donations on the day of the event so that we can improve the audience experience in years to come. MDD Ottawa is co-sponsored by the Ottawa Multicultural Media Initiative, Diversity and Equity Research Group (DERG), the University of Ottawa’s School of Information Studies , and Carelton University’s School of Journalism and ...

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Media Democracy Days

sam, novembre 09, 2013

Media Democracy Days Logo

MDD is designed to raise awareness of media democracy, and to provide a networking opportunity for the local alternative media community, interested activists, and academics. Registration is FREE.

Media Democracy Days is a small non-profit progressive organization that offers free events to the public. We will be accepting donations on the day of the event so that we can improve the audience experience in years to come. MDD Ottawa is co-sponsored by the Ottawa Multicultural Media Initiative, Diversity and Equity Research Group (DERG), the University of Ottawa’s School of Information Studies , and Carelton University’s School of Journalism and ...

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Série de conférences religion et sphère publique-Howard Kislowicz

lun, novembre 11, 2013

Salon François-Chevrette - Faculté de Droit (3101 Chemin de la Tour), Université de Montréal

Time: 4:30pm

Title: Faithful Translations? Cross-Cultural Communication in Religious Freedom Litigation

Le professeur Kislowicz nous présentera les résultats de sa recherche à propos de trois cas légaux liés à la liberté de religion ayant été entendus par la Cour Suprême du Canada. L’objectif de cette investigation est le développement de critères pouvant être utilisés pour mesurer l’efficacité du dialogue interculturel, qui seront utiles à la gestion de cas semblables dans le futur.

Howard Kislowicz est professeur adjoint à la Faculté de droit de ...

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Laboratoire de recherche empirique des groupes religieux-Jean-guy Nadeau

mer, novembre 20, 2013

Local 4030 – Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions (Pavillon D’Youville, 2375, chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine, 4ème étage)

Time/heure: 11:30am to 1pm/11h30 à 13h00

Title/titre: Enquêter auprès de victimes d'abus sexuels: défis méthodologiques

Le professeur Nadeau est co-auteur de l’ouvrage Autrement que victimes. Dieu, enfer et résistance chez les victimes (Novalis 2012). Lors de sa présentation, il nous exposera les principaux défis méthodologiques soulevées par cette épineuse mais nécessaire recherche explorant les liens entre agression sexuelle, religion et soumission.

Un lunch sera servi, prière de confirmer votre présence au plus ...

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Cycle de conférences - SoDRUS - Barbara Thériault

mer, novembre 27, 2013

Université de Sherbrooke, Agora

Time/heure: 12:00pm to 1:30pm/12h00 à 13h30

Title/titre: Porter le chapelet. Formes religieuses dans une prison de femmes

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Events Calendar
Novembre 2013
octobre 2013 janvier 2014