Events for March 2015

2015 Events | Évènements

Tue, March 03, 2015

Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory
Lectures critiques sur la religion, le droit et la théorie en sciences sociales

Speaker | conférencière: Meera Baindur (Manipal University)
Location | lieu: University of Ottawa, Simard Hall, Room 129, 60 University, Ottawa, Ontario
Time | heure: 4pm-5:30pm | 16h à 17h30
Lecture title | titre de la conférence: Nature in Indian Thought: Sacred Narratives and Place

Abstract | résumé:

Place-centric thought forms a significant influence on the interpretation of nature in Indian intellectual traditions and culture. Such interpretations are embedded in many narratives that emphasise the idea of sacred nature in texts and everyday practices. Drawing ...

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2015 Events | Évènements

Wed, March 04, 2015

A Journey to Elsewhere: Spiritual Travel and the Quest for Authenticity Workshop

Location | lieu: University of Ottawa | Université d'Ottawa

Workshop Description | Description de l'atelier:

The aim of this workshop is to consider the phenomenon of yoga travel to India as an instance of a broader genre of 'spiritual travel' involving journeys to places 'elsewhere' which are imagined to offer the possibility of profound personal transformation. These imaginings are tied up in a continuation of the exoticisation of the East, but are not limited to that. We have identified themes of authenticity, suffering, space, material markers and the idea ...

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2015 Events | Évènements

Thu, March 05, 2015

A Journey to Elsewhere: Spiritual Travel and the Quest for Authenticity Workshop

Location | lieu: University of Ottawa | Université d'Ottawa

Workshop Description | Description de l'atelier:

The aim of this workshop is to consider the phenomenon of yoga travel to India as an instance of a broader genre of 'spiritual travel' involving journeys to places 'elsewhere' which are imagined to offer the possibility of profound personal transformation. These imaginings are tied up in a continuation of the exoticisation of the East, but are not limited to that. We have identified themes of authenticity, suffering, space, material markers and the idea ...

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2015 Events | Évènements

Tue, March 10, 2015

Lecture ♦ Chair in Religion, Culture and Society
Conférence ♦ Chaire Religion, culture et société

Speakers | Conférencières: Denise Couture and | et Samia Amor
Location | lieu: Room/salle 5031, Faculté de théologie et sciences des religions, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec
Time| heure: 11:30am-1pm | 11h30 à 13h
Lecture title | titre de la conférence: Le dialogue interreligieux dans la relation de couple. Etude de terrain au Québec
Organiser | organisateur: Chair in Religion, Culture and Society | Chaire Religion, culture et société

Abstract | Résumé:

L’appartenance à deux traditions spirituelles ou religieuses distinctes est-elle source de fragilité ou de longévité pour le couple? Comment le ...

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Events Calendar
March 2015
February 2015 April 2015